Thirty, flirty and mostly thriving - Episode 17

It is my 30th birthday as I’m recording this, I’m a September baby a Virgo and since it is a milestone birthday for me I thought it would be fun to do an episode reflecting on some previous milestone birthdays and some of my biggest lessons and takeaways learned from my 20’s.


Create & consume

What Austen is creating this week: I did a birthday photo shoot with Karya in the city last week to show off my new t-shirt my mom got me from Etsy

What Austen is consuming this week: I got a new pair of jeans from Madewell that I’m obsessed with and I also finished Margo’s Got Money Troubles this week and really enjoyed this fast-paced read with a unique story

In this episode:

Looking back on milestone birthdays

Growing up, my birthdays were filled with unique and crafty activities. I remember having a spin art station one year and even making dresses out of trash bags with friends at a slumber party birthday.

My sweet 16 was an especially memorable affair—I had two outfit changes just to be extra.

I even crafted my own step and repeat banner, making sure everyone had the perfect backdrop for their photos.

My 21st birthday was another significant celebration, spent in the heart of New York City.

I celebrated at a bar in Morningside Heights, kicking off my senior year at Barnard College with friends by my side.

When I turned 25, I hosted my birthday at Rare Rooftop in NYC.

It was a gem with stunning views of the Empire State Building and a vibe that was always just the right amount of lively. Sadly, it’s closed now, but the memories remain just as vibrant.

Lessons from my 20’s

Turning 30 feels like a moment to pause and reflect on the lessons I’ve learned throughout my 20’s. These years have been filled with growth, challenges, and realizations that I’ll carry with me into this new decade.

  1. The Value of Spending Time with Yourself

    In a world that's always on the go, I’ve learned the importance of spending time with myself and becoming my own best friend in a way. Taking time for yourself isn’t just a luxury; it’s a necessity in order to understand what you really want.

  2. Romanticizing the Everyday

    There’s something magical about finding joy in the little things—whether it’s a hot girl walk, savoring an iced coffee, lighting a scented candle or capturing the perfect snapshot of your day. These small moments add up, making everyday life feel special.

  3. The Balance of Life

    Balance has been a recurring theme in my 20s. It’s about finding the right mix between cooking at home vs eating out, enjoying your alone time vs spending time with loved ones, and diving into a good-for-you book vs a fun read. This balance keeps things interesting.

  4. Hard Work Pays Off

    One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned is that hard work truly does pay off. Whether it’s in your career, personal growth, or relationships, the effort you put in will eventually yield results.

  5. It’s Okay to Ask for Help

    We often feel like we need to do everything on our own, but one of the best lessons I’ve learned is that it’s okay to ask for help even if you don’t think you need it. Whether it’s from friends, family, or professionals, seeking support is a sign of strength, not weakness.

  6. The Importance of Flexibility

    Life doesn’t always go according to plan, and that’s okay. Being flexible and adapting to new situations has been one of the greatest lessons I’ve been learning in the last few years. It’s helped me navigate everything from unexpected career changes to transferring colleges.

  7. The Power to Change Your Path

    If you don’t like how something is going, you have the power to change it. If you want a different career, a better relationship, or a more stable life even if it starts with slowly switching out what doesn’t serve you, you can get there.

  8. Social Media is Just a Snapshot

    It’s easy to get caught up in the highlight reels we see on social media, but it’s important to remember that there’s always more going on behind the scenes. Life is so much more complex and nuanced than what’s shared online.

  9. Family is Everything

    As I’ve grown older, my appreciation for family has deepened. They’re the people who have been with me through it all, and I’m grateful for their unwavering support.

  10. You Only Have One Life—Make it Count

    Finally, the most important lesson: we only have one life, so we need to make it count. Whether it’s pursuing your passions, spending time with loved ones, or simply enjoying the little things, every moment is precious.


As I step into this new decade, I’m excited to see what the future holds. My 20’s have been a time of immense growth, and I’m ready to take these lessons with me into my 30’s, embracing whatever comes my way with open arms. Cheers to the next chapter!

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