In my reading era - Episode 15

Growing up I always loved a good story and to temporarily escape your own reality and get lost in a good book is one of my favorite things. Today I wanted to talk all things reading: from finding time to read, to tips for reading consistently and where I get book recommendations from.


Create & consume

  • What I’m creating this week: I launched my new Etsy shop! The Bold Bride, templates for wedding planning I worked on promoting the shop

  • What I’m consuming this week: HTHAZE watching the High School Musical Trilogy on TikTok for the first time

In this episode:

Getting out of a reading slump

If you're still in a reading slump, it's time to take the pressure off. Reading should be enjoyable, not a chore.

Allow yourself to pick up a book without any expectations—no need to finish it if it's not grabbing your attention. Start with something light, fun, or even nostalgic to ease back into the habit.

Alternating genres to keep things fresh

One way to stay engaged with reading is by alternating the genres you dive into. I like to mix things up between books I'm reading for fun and those I pick up for work. This balance keeps reading enjoyable and lessens the chance of burnout.

For example, you might enjoy a light romance novel one week and a more informative business book the next. (By the way, I’ve got a YouTube video with business book recommendations for influencers.)

Setting a realistic reading goal

A great way to motivate yourself is by setting a realistic reading goal.

Goodreads is an excellent platform for this—you can track what you’ve read, set yearly goals, and even see what your friends are reading (add me here.)

But remember, the key word here is "realistic." Don’t set a goal that adds stress; instead, choose something that feels achievable and fun.

Finding time to read

We all have busy schedules, but finding pockets of time to read can make all the difference. Here are some strategies that have worked for me:

  • Mornings: Start your day with a chapter or two. It’s a peaceful way to ease into the day.

  • Weekends: Dedicate some weekend time to your book. Whether it’s an hour on a Saturday morning or a lazy Sunday afternoon, carve out that time.

  • Traveling: Long flights or train rides are perfect opportunities to get lost in a book.

  • Commuting: If you’re a public transport commuter, why not use that time to read?

    • On that note, is anyone here a Kindle girlie? I don’t have one yet but I hear it’s such a convenient way to read.

Getting a library card

Another tip that’s often overlooked is getting a library card. Not only does it give you access to countless books for free, but it’s also a great way to explore new genres or authors without financial commitment.

Plus, many libraries now offer e-books and audiobooks, making it even easier to fit reading into your lifestyle.

Joining a book club

If you find motivation in community, consider joining a book club. It’s a fantastic way to hold yourself accountable and discover books you might not pick up on your own.

Discussing books with others can deepen your understanding and enjoyment of the stories.

Getting reading recommendations

Sometimes the hardest part of getting back into reading is finding books you’ll love so I highly recommend following content creators who share book recommendations.

Some of my favorites are Brooke Miccio, Tomi Obebe, and the hosts of the Bad on Paper podcast. They always have great suggestions that span a variety of genres.

Finding authors you enjoy

Once you find an author you love, reading becomes so much easier. You know their writing style, and you trust them to deliver a story that will captivate you.

Some authors I’ve been enjoying lately are Carley Fortune, Elin Hilderbrand, and Emily Henry. Their books are consistently good, and I always look forward to their new releases.


Some recent reads I’ve loved

To wrap things up, here are a few books I’ve read recently that I highly recommend:

  • This Summer Will Be Different - A heartfelt story that takes place on Prince Edward Island and perfectly captures the magic of summer.

  • Winter Street - Follows a family who owns a hotel on Nantucket during a dramatic Christmas holiday.

  • First Lie Wins - A suspense novel where danger is always lurking and you’ll never be sure who is telling the truth

  • Book Lovers - A delightful romance with a unique twist on the classic small town romance trope.

  • Mad Honey - A thought-provoking novel that deals with relationship dynamics between students and their parents in high school with a love story and mystery mixed in.

  • Such a Bad Influence - A mystery about what happens when a child raised on the internet goes missing during a livestream.


Reading is such a personal and fulfilling experience, and I hope these tips help you make more time for it in your life.

Whether you're just getting back into reading or you're looking for new ways to enjoy it, there’s no better time to be in your reading era. Happy reading!

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End of summer catch up - Episode 16


The ideal solo weekend itinerary - Episode 14